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Total Air: Blog

Total Comfort. Total Savings. TOTAL AIR!


Monsoon Season 2020


It’s not that we don’t enjoy the storms for a welcome change, but for homeowners in El Paso and Las Cruces who are still cooling their homes with evaporative coolers, the humidity creates much discomfort.

Why is that? This should help us understand it better…

If the outside temperature is 90 degrees F and the relative humidity is 30-50%, as it has been on many days of the past few weeks in El Paso, then the evaporative cooler can only cool the house to a sweaty 79-85 degrees. At only 10% humidity, the house temperature cooled with evaporative cooling is able to drop to a comfortable 65-75 degrees. Once we get past this rainy spring season, evap coolers should perform adequately…but that’s only until monsoon season!

Converting to refrigerated air is a best solution for maintain optimum comfort in a home. It also has many other benefits such as better indoor air quality, energy savings, less noise and this investment in your home is a good idea if you plan to sell it!

To enjoy more comfort (and storms) for many years to come, convert to refrigerated air! Give Total Air a call and we’ll send one of our project managers to your home for a comprehensive assessment to make the best recommendation for you, your family and your home. Call today at 915-585-0909.


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Ratings on social sites and many other review websites, in fact Total Air have more 5 Star Ratings than any other HVAC company in the area.